Sunday, November 15, 2009

Topic: Women will play an increasingly important role in the workplace of future

The role of women in the workplace is an important matter in modern world. As we go further thorough industrious world this role seems to be more important and even more challenging. Since nearly half of the society is comprised of women, it stands to reason that women should be enjoying the same success as their male counterparts in terms of advancement opportunities and earning capacity. There’s no denying that the role of women in the world has changed. The image of the quintessential homemaker at her stove, wearing an apron and tending to her children, has been replaced by the ambitious female executive, in her business suit, working her way up the corporate ladder. But women's working has advantages and disadvantages. Women's increasing participation in the workplace will increase the quality of their social behaviors. They can also earn money independently without relying on somebody else. But as the role of women in the society has been changing, the role of men in house works has remained traditionally.
The most important effect of women's participation in the work place is the increase of their social behaviors. In the past women used to stay at home as homemakers and nurture their children. The traditional role of women in the past didn't let them to go out and communicate with outside world. This prevented them to increase their communication ability with outside world. But nowadays, as countries go thorough being industrious, such traditional roles have been changing. Women cooperate in the society more and more and this help them to raise their social behaviors.
The second advantage of increasing the role of women in the work place is gaining independency. In the past women used to rely financially to their husbands, but now as their educations went up they decide to earn money for them in order to be independent. Women have progressed in earnings and education and consider employer opportunities to escalate the progress.
Regardless of positive aspects of women's role in the society and workplaces, there is a negative result for women themselves. The number of women will continue to increase in the workplace. Women will continue to have primary responsibility for home and family matters, thus affecting work attendance negatively. Women as a half part of society need to attend to society and enjoy the help of men at home. Women are not responsible for house works alone. Both men and women should cooperate themselves both in workplace and home.
In conclusion we can say that the role of women in the society is changing. And such changing is inevitable and undeniable. We need to try and understand current trends, make educated guesses, look into the future, and set steps in motion now. This will need the change of men's role too in the society to attain the best result.

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